As a part of our mission to provide space and resources to emerging artists, FKT introduced “Winter Workshops” in January of 2024. We believe that everyone who wants to continue their theatrical education should be able to do so, regardless of financial status or location.
This programming enables our community to take online masterclasses from three teaching artists for one accessible price.
We endeavor to communicate with our community to discover what they would like to learn more about and provide classes that fulfill that need. Previous classes have covered subjects such as dramaturgy for playwrights; social media promotion; playwriting via reality tv, and more.
Winter Workshops occur every year over three Saturdays in January. Sign up links are provided on our Instagram page.
Previous Teaching Artists:
Emily Dzioba-Wasserman, Dramaturgy for Playwrights
Alyssa Haddad-Chin, Putting the Play in Playwriting
Grace Walker, Promoting Your Play
Anne Karyna Bakan, How to Be Your Favorite Director/Dramaturg's Favorite Director/Dramaturg
Christiane Swenson, Adaptation is Magic
Alli Hartley-Kong, Researching Historic Plays